You can agree or disagree about the holistic reasons why music can be healing for the body, mind and soul.
But science proved that things like cognitive functions “Mozart Effect”, recovery from body and brain traumas, neurological and psychological disease can be altered by music. The reason is yet to be discovered (or rather remembered) in the conventional medicine community.
Meanwhile researches on the cellular level and the effect of frequencies on water and blood (we are 90% water!) are being studied by researchers and practitioners (with holistic tendencies!) – Google music-blood experiment .
That being said, musicians have what is called in economic science a “comparative advantage” when it comes to health. If just by using 1 sense, which is listening to music, people become smarter, more focused, relaxed, emotionally balanced, heal faster from even chronic disease. Imagine the amount of benefits a musician can reap from using at least 3 senses (touching, seeing, listening) contacting music!
This is an interesting article about the health benefits of music.
Instead, being a musician is one of the most stressful professions of our modern time!
Remember, it is always about balance and perception. A concert can be perceived as a “music therapy session” or a “healthy stress (post 6)” rather than “a painfully stressful event”. An argument with your manager or band can be a chance for innovation rather than a conflict - it is always your choice.
Change in perception does not happen overnight. But you my dear artists are the best to know that PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!
Picture: Cymatic images of the sounds in water. Red food coloring. Full screen image overall "chord." Central patterns the tones of the "melody." Moonlight 1st movement Beethoven. Credit: youtube video
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